
‘‘Revolutionizing your well-being through the return to Ama.’’



Ama Jessie is an experienced community leader, Kundalini Reiki Practioner, and a Birthworker with a strong passion in the healing arts and international journalism.

As a healing arts practitioner it is her mission to bring fourth the lost wisdom of the wise women who cry out for their voices to be heard and stories to be told through their living descendants.We honor our ancient wisdom by carrying on the lost traditions that are needed to revive and heal communities everywhere.

Kundalini Reiki Sessions


Kundalini Reiki is a method of stress reduction and relaxation that promotes healing. It is an ancient technique based on the idea that all living things have a special life force energy. The word Reiki comes from the Japenese word (Rei) which means “Universal Life’’ and (Ki), which means ‘‘Energy’’. Kundalini is symbolized as the serpent fire in the Root Chakra. Kundalini energy is the dormant energy lying embedded within our bodies at the base of the spine. This energy unites us with the energy of the universe. Kundalini is also known as ‘‘shakti’’ or the divine feminine energy. When this is activated and moved up through the root chakra to the crown it is known as Kundalini Rising and allows us to have an expanded state of consciousness.

This energy is blocked in most people due to traumas of life, our habits, and thinking patterns that have caused imbalances and obstructions. Kundalini Reiki healing energies are very effective in helping us to clear away energetic blockages from within as they bring us closer towards more purity, love, and light in our life.


Doula Services

Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! It is my mission to to support expecting mothers and their families throughout the childbearing experience by providing education, advocacy, compassion, and empowerment. I am here to support you whether you are planning a natural birth, medicated, or cesarean. If you’d like to know more about my services and determine if we are a great match for each other, book a free a consultation below. I look forward to connecting with you.

Natural Products, Herbs & Spiritual Tools